When Is the Best Time of Day to Work Out?

runner on stairs at sunset or sunrise

Trying to find the best time for exercise? The truth is, it’s personal! Follow these tips to figure out what fitness routine works best for you.

Dawn, dusk or dead of night — when’s the best time to work out? Well, that depends on when’s the best time for you, because the benefits of physical activity depend upon how consistent you are.

You might have heard that the best time to exercise is early in the morning — to get your metabolism going or to avoid unexpected distractions during the day that could derail your workout. But if you’re not a morning person, it may not work for you to try to get up at dawn to work out. The key is to do what’s most likely to work consistently for you.

If your schedule isn’t predictable, you may need to be flexible 和 have a plan for various times of day.

If you find that working out too late in the evening keeps you from falling asleep easily, shift your exercise session to earlier in the day or try less intense, 更多的 正念的运动形式.

What you do may be 更多的 important than when you do it

To stay motivated, choose activities you enjoy. 走, swimming or biking solo might be a better fit for you. If you’d like to spend 更多的 time with your family, find an activity you can all do together, such as an after-dinner walk or game of soccer. 

There are so many choices; don’t limit yourself to just one. Having a variety of fitness activities to choose from may keep you from getting bored or burned out.

Here are some activities you can do any time of day:

  • 走, running 和 jogging
  • 游泳
  • 骑自行车
  • 舞蹈和健美操
  • 爬楼梯
  • 参加体育运动
  • Strength training 和 weights
  • 瑜伽和普拉提
  • 拳击和自由搏击
  • 武术和太极

There’s no one right time of day to get moving. Do it at the time that’s right for you.