

The first days 和 weeks after you get out of the hospital following a cardiac event or diagnosis can be a frightening, 混乱的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽. 你可能正在服用新的药物,并遵循许多新的指示. 有时你可能会觉得你的世界变了.

Focusing on three simple tasks can help you manage your condition while you recover 和 regain your strength:


The goal of cardiac rehab is to help you learn to reduce the risk factors — such as smoking, 高血压, 高胆固醇, 缺乏身体活动, diabetes 和 being overweight — that increase your chances of future health problems.

The 美国心脏协会 和 the American College of Cardiology have developed national guidelines to help you reduce the risk of future problems. These guidelines can help your health care team develop a treatment plan — including medications 和 lifestyle changes such as diet 和 体育活动 — for all your risk factors. Make sure you know your goal numbers 和 work with your health care team to achieve them.


永远戒烟. 吸烟 is the leading preventable cause of death 和 disability in the United States. 吸烟会导致更高的死亡风险 冠心病. 吸烟 robs the heart of oxygen-rich blood 和 increases the effects of other risk factors, 包括血压, 血液胆固醇水平和缺乏运动. 考虑辞职? 我们可以帮忙.


Normal blood 压力 is less than 120/80 mm Hg (systolic 压力 is less than 120 AND diastolic 压力 is less than 80). 收缩压从120-129升高,舒张压低于80. High blood 压力 is systolic 压力 of 130 or higher OR diastolic 压力 of 80 or higher.

当血压升高时,你的心脏必须更加努力地工作. 改变健康习惯,比如减肥, 少吃钠 (盐)和经常参加体育活动可以帮助降低血压. 如果你有高血压, 坚持服药是预防心脏病发作的关键, 中风, 肾病和心力衰竭.

按照健康护理专家的建议监测你的血压. 用我们的 血压日志(PDF).



Get your cholesterol checked 和 talk to your health care team about your numbers 和 how they impact your overall risk.

High blood cholesterol occurs if your body makes too much cholesterol or if you eat foods that have too much saturated fat 和 trans fat. 适合高危的冠心病患者, 治疗的重点是降低胆固醇. To lower your cholesterol, you may need to change your eating habits 和 lose weight. Ask your health care professionals whether you should be taking a cholesterol medication along with making these lifestyle changes.



At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity 体育活动 (brisk walking, jogging, cycling, etc.),建议每周服用一次

Regular 体育活动 has many benefits, such as helping you quit smoking, lose weight, 减轻压力, 睡得更好降低血压,增加高密度脂蛋白胆固醇. Doing aerobic exercise — using large muscles of the legs 和 arms — helps your heart work more efficiently. 体力活动,提高你的力量, flexibility 和 balance help you stay agile as you age 和 reduce your risk of falls.




Your waist circumference also helps determine whether you need to lose weight — all you need is an ordinary measuring tape. Ideal waist circumference is not more than 40 inches for men 和 not more than 35 inches for women. (Recommendations are lower for people of Asian descent: 37-39 inches for men 和 31-35 inches for women.)

重量 loss may help lower your blood 压力 和 improve both cholesterol 和 blood sugar. 这个网站上的提示和工具可以帮助你减掉5到10磅. 



正常空腹血糖低于100mg /dL.


如果你是糖尿病患者, 建议HbA1c(糖化血红蛋白)水平低于7%, 但你的安全范围可能更低或更高.

Managing diabetes is important to your long-term health, especially if you have heart disease. 糖尿病最好通过饮食控制, 减肥, 体育活动, 药物治疗和定期监测血糖. 许多研究表明,他汀类药物等药物, 阿斯匹林, ACE抑制剂和受体阻滞剂, 哪一种能降低未来患心脏病的风险, 对糖尿病患者有更大的益处吗. That's why it's important for you to start 和 continue taking these medications. 它们可以帮助降低胆固醇和血压, 哪种方法可以降低心脏病发作的风险, 中风和肾病.



你需要知道,并知道如何处理,可能暗示一个症状 心脏病 or 中风. 快速反应是关键. 如果您有任何列出的症状, 立即拨打911或叫人带你去最近的急诊室.


  • 胸部不适. Most 心脏病s involve discomfort in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes or that goes away 和 comes back. 它可能会让人感到不舒服的压力、挤压、充盈或疼痛.
  • 上半身其他部位不适. Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw or stomach.
  • 呼吸急促(气促) 有或没有胸部不适.
  • 其它迹象 可能包括突然出冷汗,恶心或头晕.


  • 麻木或虚弱 侧倾的脸、胳膊或腿的,尤指身体的一侧.
  • 混乱说话或理解困难.
  • 麻烦看到 一只眼睛或两只眼睛.
  • 麻烦走头晕,失去平衡或协调.
  • 严重的头痛 原因不明.

发现中风 快速:


并非所有这些症状都会出现在每次心脏病发作或中风中. 有时他们走了又回来. 如果出现这种情况,请立即寻求帮助. 如果你有心脏病发作或中风,每一分钟都很重要. 你越早得到医疗帮助,你就越有可能康复. 

Don't delay — you can save your heart or brain from severe damage if you act quickly. 了解这些症状,并与你的家人、朋友和照顾者分享.

女性有时会有不同于男性的症状,所以要了解 女性心脏病发作的征兆.


心绞痛通常感觉像挤压, 燃烧, 压力, 胸骨下的沉重或紧绷. 它也可能扩散到一只或两只手臂、背部、颈部、下巴或胃部. Some people, especially women 和 people with diabetes, may not have typical chest discomfort. 他们的症状可能是呼吸急促或感到非常疲倦. 

如果你认为你得了心绞痛,告诉你的医疗保健专业人员. Knowing how often your angina occurs will help them decide whether you need a change in your medications or other treatments. 你可以使用 心绞痛日志(PDF) 记录下你的症状.

了解更多关于 心绞痛不稳定性心绞痛.

你的健康护理专家可能会给你开硝酸甘油的处方. This medication comes in a tablet or spray form 和 provides immediate relief of angina.

如果服用硝酸甘油后心绞痛没有缓解, you or a family member should call 911 or your emergency response number so you can get to the hospital right away.

硝酸甘油片剂可能会失去药效, 所以六个月后把它们扔掉,再买新的. 硝化甘油装在一个便于携带的小容器里. 随身携带几片药片.


  • 任何新的胸部不适(心绞痛)
  • 任何新的呼吸短促,尤其是运动时.
  • 感觉特别累.
  • 感到头晕或昏厥.


You 和 your loved ones will feel better 和 be more prepared if you know who to call about discomfort 和 other worrisome symptoms. 你对症状的早期反应可能会阻止紧急情况的发生.


  • What days 和 times you can reach your health care professional’s office or answering service.
  • 如果你的医疗保健专业人员不在,你可以联系其他医疗保健专业人员.
  • 你是否可以通过电话联系咨询护士或护理经理.


下载医疗联络人名单(PDF), complete it 和 post it in an obvious place at home where other family members can see it.

还记得 -如果你认为自己有心脏病发作或中风的症状, 立即拨打911或叫人带你去最近的急诊室.


Dina Pinelli - Heart Attack Survivor 和 member of the 2023 Go Red for Women Real Women Class of Survivors

“Practicing mindfulness meditation 和 yoga help to steady my mind 和 allow me to attune to the sensation in my body keeping me focused on just this breath, 就在这一刻. 当我周围的世界变得混乱,一切都失去了控制, 我被提醒停下来, 与我的心相连,让我的呼吸轻柔地流动, 释放焦虑和担忧,呼唤力量与和平.”
