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Someone dies of stroke every 3 minutes and 17 seconds – and more than half of stroke deaths are women. This American Stroke Month, get 4X matched to help save lives.
Woman holding up four fingers with red background

It’s 心肺复苏 and AED Awareness Week

hands holding a smartphone, calling 911

The 美国心脏协会’s new PSA encourages everyone to join the Nation of Lifesavers and act in the time of a cardiac emergency. 心肺复苏 and AED Awareness Week is June 1-7.

Learn Hands-Only 心肺复苏 in the Metaverse

virtual reality animation of where to place your hands over an unconscious man for hands-only 心肺复苏

The new Hands-Only 心肺复苏 virtual reality (VR) experience housed within the Meta Oculus app store teaches you the skills to transform yourself from a bystander to a lifesaver.


woman performing 心肺复苏 on an elderly woman in kitchen

Market research from the AHA shows only 1 in 4 Asian American individuals are confident they could correctly perform Hands-Only 心肺复苏. The "今天你准备好了" campaign aims to empower Asian American communities to learn how to save a life.


一百年来, 美国心脏协会, 还有我们的志愿者, supporters and collaborating organizations, 工作线上电子游戏飞禽走兽更长吗, 更健康的生活. And there’s no letting up in the next 100 years as we remain devoted to a future of health and hope for everyone, 到处都是.
young woman in runners starting position


To celebrate our 100-year anniversary, we have a gift for you! 加入我们的免费, exclusive program to get an email each week for the next 100 days providing you with valuable health tips on eating better, 将更多的, and improving overall wellbeing.


strawberry orange smoothie recipe


空气中弥漫着春天的气息. Whether you're snacking on-the-go or cooking dinner for the family, there's a heart-healthy recipe to pair with a sunny afternoon on the patio or a rainy evening at home.


There are so many ways to give. Make a gift in a way that is meaningful for you.

Join us for a Heart Walk in your area

Heart Walk is 美国心脏协会's premiere event for raising funds to help save lives from heart disease and stroke.