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(Ivan-balvan/iStock via Getty Images)

People with irregular sleep patterns may face substantially higher odds of high blood pressure than those who stick to a schedule, 即使他们每晚得到建议的睡眠量, 新的研究表明.

这项研究发表在周二的《线上娱乐电子游戏网站》杂志上 Hypertension, found people who slept in on the weekends or varied the times they went to sleep and woke up throughout the week were substantially more likely to have high blood pressure, 也被称为高血压, 比那些有固定睡眠习惯的人更健康.

“这表明,人们可能不仅需要考虑他们的睡眠线上电子游戏飞禽走兽, but also recognize the importance of keeping a regular sleep schedule for optimal cardiovascular health,资深研究作者丹尼·埃克特说, director of the Adelaide Institute for Sleep Health and a professor in the College of Medicine and Public Health at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia.

The 美国心脏协会建议 adults get seven to nine hours of nightly sleep to promote optimal heart and brain health. The recommendation is based on prior research that found people who get less than six hours of sleep per night on average face a much higher risk for high blood pressure, obesity, 心血管疾病和过早死亡. Likewise, those who get too much sleep – more than an average nine hours per night – face higher risks for high blood pressure, stroke, 2型糖尿病和死亡.

The authors of the new study note prior research examining the links between sleep duration, nightly variation in sleep schedules and high blood pressure has relied on data reported over just a few weeks.

在新的研究中, 研究人员在9个月的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽里观察了12人的睡眠模式,来自20个国家的287名患有或不患有高血压的成年人. 参与者主要是超重的中年男性. 数据收集于2020年7月至2021年3月. The analysis included an average 181 nights of sleep data and 29 blood pressure readings for each participant.

The study defined high blood pressure as a systolic (top number) reading of 140 mmHg or higher or a diastolic (bottom number) reading of 90 mmHg or above. (The AHA and American College of Cardiology define high blood pressure as a systolic pressure of 130 or higher or a diastolic pressure of 80 or higher that stays high over time.)

The researchers used a device placed under the mattress to measure sleep timing (when people went to sleep and woke up) and duration. They found people whose bedtimes varied by 90 minutes or more faced 92% increased odds for high blood pressure, 与那些坚持规律就寝的人相比. But even those whose bedtimes varied by slightly more than 30 minutes from night to night were 32% more likely to have high blood pressure.

“这是一个相对适度的睡眠线上电子游戏飞禽走兽变化水平, 考虑到周末人们经常熬夜,埃克特说.

晚睡还会增加患高血压的几率, 但比不按时睡觉更糟糕. 晚醒43分钟则会增加9%.

正如先前的研究发现的那样, the new analysis also showed a link between hypertension and getting too little or too much sleep. People who got less than seven or more than nine hours of sleep were 20%-30% more likely to have high blood pressure. People whose sleep duration varied by two hours or more from night to night were 85% more likely to have hypertension than those with less than an hour's difference in the amount of sleep they got each night.

Studying sleep patterns for nine months provides a more stable data set from which to draw conclusions about how sleep may be affecting heart health, said Dr. Reena Mehra, a professor of medicine and director of the Sleep Disorders Research Program at the Cleveland Clinic Sleep Disorders Center in Ohio. Mehra没有参与这项新研究.

"If you're only looking at a span of weeks, that's a much smaller window of time," she said. "If there's something unusual going on in a person's life, that's going to impact the findings. 然而,如果你观察几个月的整体睡眠模式, 这让你对睡眠-觉醒习惯有了更好的了解."

While work schedules and other commitments can sometimes make it hard to keep regular sleep times, the findings confirm the need for people to "try to be as mindful as possible about sleep," Mehra said. “尽你所能保持一致性."


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